Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Radio Diaries

Radio Diaries

Q To complete this exercise, you will be listening to a 20-minute NPR segment via the link pasted below. For a “radio diaries” segment, NPR gave people of various cultures a tape recorder to record “A day in the life.” You’ll be listening to Cristel’s story, who has been going through rehabilitation in a juvenile prison for 3 ½ year after committing the horrific crime of attacking a girl with a razor blade, cutting off much of her face. This recording, therefore, depicts the “secret life” of a teenager in a juvenile detention center. While listening to the segment, you will attempt to recognize elements of “culture” through attentive, critical listening and notetaking (two important skills for your upcoming project interviews). To complete the exercise, you will need to take notes on the following things that ethnographic interviewers should listen for. . . o 2 cultural behaviors or characteristics o 2 cultural routines, traditions, and/or values o 1 cultural artifact (although you can’t “see” these, items will be mentioned or even heard) o 3 powerful quotations After listening to the segment, look through your notes and examine what you have “captured” about this culture. Have any revealing trends emerged? For part I of the exercise, you will submit your notes on the above categories. For part II, reflect on each of the 3 quotations you recorded and attempt to interpret the cultural significance.

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Part 1 Cultural Behaviors: • There was too much chaos all the time. • The supervisors are strict and the inhabitants follow the daily routine. Cultural routine: • The inhabitants had to wake up early in the morning and were not allowed to sit back.